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Affecting factors of RTK solution;

RTK-GPS coordinates

7 minute read


Explanation of coordinates used in RTK GPS solutions

Frenet–Serret frame;

GPS coordinates;

RTK-GPS coordinates

7 minute read


Explanation of coordinates used in RTK GPS solutions

Image file generation and shrink;

Mapping the agricultural field with RTK;

RTK-GPS coordinates

7 minute read


Explanation of coordinates used in RTK GPS solutions

Network setting up;

OS selection;

Polynomial path planning;

Pose of robot from two GPS modules;

RTK-GPS coordinates

7 minute read


Explanation of coordinates used in RTK GPS solutions

RTK solution from Ntrips;

RTK-GPS coordinates

7 minute read


Explanation of coordinates used in RTK GPS solutions

Real time clock configuration for Ubuntu;

USB devices detection and rename;