About me

I recieved my Ph.D. degree from Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of California, Davis in 2021, under the mentoring of Prof. Stavros G. Voukiougas. Before that, I received M.S degree in Naval and Ocean Engineering from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China (2015). I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Bio-automation lab from the department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering from UC-Davis before Feb 2022. After that, I worked in a start-up company of intelligent E-tractor as a research scientist. For now, I worked as a PI in Hangzhou Global Innovation and Technology Center of Zhejiang University. My research interests includes:

  • Strawberry picking robots in Greenhouse.
  • Management of Vehicle logistics in the agricultural field;
  • Precision agricultural solutions (IoT);
  • Autonomous vehicle driving in the agricultural field;
  • Human robot interaction in the agricultural domain;
  • Equality and Equity of robot services for human workers

Finished projects:

  1. Design and control of crop-transport robotic system for harvest-aiding;
  2. Data-driven simulator of manual & robot-aiding strawberry harvesting;
  3. Online scheduling algorithm processing stochastic and dynamic transport requests;
  4. Integration and implementation of complex robotic system in the commercial strawberry field;
  5. Design and implementation of crop-transport robots in the vineyard;

Ongoing Research Projects:

  1. Vision based orchard SLAM and navigation;
  2. Post-harvesting yield estimation in the almond field;
  3. Instrumented cart system for data collection in the strawberry field;
  4. Human robot interaction in the agricultural application;
  5. Robust control of mobile robot with RL;
  6. Trajectory planning of E-tractor in confined headland space;
  7. Strawberry Picking Robot;

Recent News

  • [July, 2023]. I joined HIC-ZJU as a researcher (PI)!!!!
  • [January, 2023]. [Press release](https://engineering.ucdavis.edu/news/strawberry-harvesters-get-some-help-new-robot-coworkers) of our co-robotic system on the UC, Davis website
  • [April, 2022]. Invited speaker for the topic of "The challenge and opportunity of robotic application in specialty crops." for BAE department in Zhejiang University
  • [April, 2022]. Paper pal for [DIGICROP 2022](https://digicrop.de/program-for-the-live-event/)
  • [Feberuary, 2022]. Joined the start-up company MUROBOTIX and do the development of PNC for E-tractor
  • [November, 2021]. Harvesting bin for monitoring almond yield was reported by [West Coast Nut](https://www.wcngg.com/2021/11/04/new-off-ground-harvest-research-incorporates-precision-yield-monitoring-for-improved-orchard-management/)
  • [November, 2021]. Presented in the AIFS/PhenoRob Early Career Researchers Symposium
  • [September, 2021]. Presented in the BAE seminar of UC, Davis for the topic "Co-Robotic Systems for Specialty Crop Harvesting Operations"
  • [July, 2021]. Two provisional patents are submitted for crop-transport co-robots during manual harvesting.
  • [July, 2021]. Made presentations on AIM of ASABE 2021
  • [Apr, 2021]. Two abstracts were accpeted by ASABE 2021 and I will present our work of mobile robots navigation on June.
  • [Apr, 2021]. I started my Post-Doc research in Bio-automation lab from UC-Davis.
  • [Mar, 2021]. I obtained my PhD degree of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC-Davis!!.
  • [Nov, 2020]. We finished a successful system experiment in the strawberry field of Lompoc, CA.